Hi, I’m Jenna!

I first became interested in vintage campers after stumbling upon a gorgeous, renovated camper on Pinterest. Well, the interest quickly turned into a full-blown obsession and I started looking for my own vintage camper. Did I know how to restore one? Nope. Did I have a place to park it? Not yet. These are all just details anyways, right? :)

After looking for a few months, I finally found my Shasta. I was incredibly lucky in finding a 1959 Airflyte model that had been well loved by the previous owners. I loved (almost) every minute that I spent renovating her (I'll tell you about the backsplash installation another time), and it was such a fun and satisfying project. There's something really cool about getting to design a small space like this exactly as you want it - I even have numerous themes and design ideas for future campers. In the future, I would absolutely love to be able to renovate an Airstream, as well as just about every other type of vintage camper out there.

One of my favorite things about having a vintage camper is the instant community it creates. When I take her to a campsite, people come running up to me, telling me stories about how their parents or grandparents used to take them camping in a Shasta just like this, and asking if they can take a quick peek inside. When driving down the road with her in tow, I get so many honks and cheers from other travelers. There's just something about the vintage camper life that I think most people can enjoy.